
• Expose students from at least 10 schools in the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) to music, the music business, art, film, technology, and anything else they can dream of.
• The program would consist of after-school opportunities hosted by PSTV and implemented by Jr Music Executive (200 students).
• Provide innovative, high-quality music and music business training and also other types of training in various industries to motivated Philadelphia students who will attend at least 20 times during the school year (15-20 students in year one).
• Facilitate student-led culminating activities including the FRSHWV Teen Music and Tech Fest and the Rich Quick Cypher Workshop Series.
• We want students to have a path to success in the music industry and other industries.
• We want to help students understand the options available to them in the music industries and number of great careers in the music industries and also other industries by examining the music, the music industry, the technology, and exposing them to the people that have been successful in the music industry and other industries.
• We want to raise awareness for the work that PSTV, SDP, Jr Music Executive, and Comcast have done in Philadelphia in hopes of inspiring the next great artist, music executive, engineer, etc.
• We want to help create bigger programs in the city of Philadelphia and other areas to address the issues in places like Philadelphia and other cities and communities.
• We want it to be something that is mutually beneficial to the volunteers, speakers, and everyone else involved by marketing and promoting them and the work they are doing in the community, but also in their area of expertise.

Program Outline

• Ten exposure sessions at various targeted schools throughout SDP (throughout the school year).
• Three 8-week sessions at PSTV.
• Additional opportunities for students including guest speakers for students in the music industry and various industries along with a more extensive workshop series that covers various industries.

General Goals

• Students will apply the technical skills of audio recording and video production to future creative endeavors and academic projects.
• Students will transfer their studio skills - such as one-on-one coaching, collaboration with a team, publishing, event production, and preparation - to other aspects of their work.
• Students will engage in a peer mentorship model where they are comfortable teaching studio skills to other students, as well as developing comfort in constructively and positively critiquing creative work in a cooperative artistic environment.
• Students will produce projects to showcase to the school community and beyond.

General Schedule

2:45pm Staff / Teaching Artists Arrive
3:00pm - 4:00pm Students Arrive - Light snacks (fruit, chips, juice) provided. Students may do homework with assistance from staff or discuss plans for the afternoon's session with staff and teaching artists.
4:00pm - 4:15pm Check In - Students may share any issues affecting their readiness for the afternoon's session with the group if they wish (staff will model this early in the group development so it is easier for students to share in later sessions). The group will briefly discuss plans and goals for the rest of the session.
4:15pm - 5:15pm Breakout Group 1
5:15pm - 5:20pm Transition
5:20pm - 6:20pm Breakout Group 2
6:20pm - 6:30pm Wrap Up - Opportunity for students and staff to share the day's accomplishments

Available Breakout Activities (Budget & Staff Dependent)

• Music Business*
• Music Production
• Songwriting
• Audio Engineering (include live sound)
• Drums
• Bass / Guitar
• Keyboard/piano

*Music Business will include Project Management, Marketing / PR, Event Production, Studio Management, Publishing, and general business information specific to creative professionals