As part of the DE&I work I have been doing back home in South Jersey, I wanted to tell some of the stories about some of the wonderful people I went to high school with and current students as well. In hopes of inspiring change and creating opportunities for future generations of Oakcrest High School students by having them hear the stories of alumni. Below is one of the interviews I did with one of my classmates that outlines my vision of the project, another podcast that I developed with some of my friends from high school as part of the project, and some other wonderful projects I have worked on with alumni over the years.
Crosshairs: The Madlib Freestyles by Derrick “Rick Skope” Walker, Executive Produced by Sean “Data” Mack and me. A&R direction by yours truly. Artwork by Greg Simmons. With exception of Greg, Derrick, Sean, and I are alumni of the class of Oakcrest’s class of 2001 as well. Greg is an alumnus of the Oakcrest class of 2002.
Obama Portraits at The High Museum of Art with Oakcrest High School alumni, Aaliyah Taylor.
Click here to see some of the work I have done with Oakcrest alumni, Billy Joe, over the years.